For the Second Time...

         The second grading period is yet again nearing its end. This quarter has been a great experience. So far, I learned many pieces of knowledge and skills I never thought I could have. Truthfully, I did have a great time learning within this period, most especially with ICT. This quarter's topic was at first very unfamiliar to me. Fortunately enough, I was able to understand the lesson and familiarize the tags and elements used in creating HTML files. And honestly, developing web pages using HTML tags and coding was enjoyable by far.
            I must say, I still struggle with the problems I have encountered during the previous grading period. I still struggle to apprehend some lessons and topics with some subjects, making tasks harder to accomplish in time. Good thing the Internet is accessible - can be slow sometimes, but good enough for searching up for insights to expand my understanding of the topic.
            Although the internet may be helpful for searching, it is also a form of distraction. As often as I remember, I usually side-track, wandering around and scrolling through different social media platforms. And to control this irresponsible behavior, I tend to turn off my phone or move it somewhere I can no longer reach.
            Moving on, I am hoping that I'd be more responsible and serious in accomplishing tasks given by our teachers this upcoming 3rd grading period.

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