Viva for a Safe Fiesta!


            Annually, Vigan Town Fiesta is celebrated every 25th of January in honour of St. Paul the Apostle, Vigan’s patron saint. During the fiesta, locals and tourists usually gather to witness various activities organized by the city government such as street dancing performances, parades, arts and crafts as well as beauty competitions, and many more festive events in celebration of Vigan’s cityhood. Apart from that, Longganisa Festival is being celebrated during the month of January as well. Longganisa, the city’s native sausage, is known as one of Vigan’s distinctive products. In celebration, there are also parades and other longganisa-themed events.

            Unfortunately, due to the current situation caused by the pandemic, this year’s festival is no longer the same as it used to be. As implemented by the authorities, people are advised to wear face masks and face shields whenever going to public places. It is also forbidden to hold or attend social gatherings.

            Regardless of the situation, the city still has a way to celebrate the festival. The locals were able to witness and enjoy the activities carried out virtually. Some of the events for this year’s celebration were held online and even so, managed to make people enjoy the event despite the changes. So far, it is better to comply with the health protocols implemented by our health officials and grand festivities shall wait.



(2016, January 18). Vigan Town Fiesta. Philippine Primer. Retrieved from

Vigan City Fiesta. Retrieved from


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  1. Hi Jamila! Nice content. Our safety must be our top priority right now. Let's just hope and pray that this will come to an end. Hoping to see more of your blogs! Stay safe and God bless!

  2. Great blog! I do agree that despite the virus getting in the way with our celebration, we still managed to get by and enjoy it whilst strictly abiding to the safety protocols implemented by the authorities. All the best, have a good day!

  3. Good day! Such a nice blog. As of now, our safety must really be a priority. Let's just hope and pray to the Father Almighty that this will come to an end. Continue sharing those great ideas and thoughts of yours. God bless!

  4. This year, we didn't celebrate the fiesta the way we used to but it's okay as long as we are safe. Your blog is really interesting. I like how you share your insights about the topic in a simple but meaningful way, great job!


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