Mindful Celebration: Kannawidan 2021

            The Province of Ilocos Sur annually celebrates Kannawidan Ylocos Festival. It is being celebrated by the residents to commemorate the anniversary of Ilocos Sur as a province from its separation to Ilocos Norte since 1818. The celebration usually lasts for two weeks ─ from the last week of January until the first week of February. In celebration, municipalities and locals gather as one to showcase their culture, traditions, crafts, delicacies, and generally the rich heritage of Ilocos Sur.

               Kannawidan Festival is a momentous occasion most especially to Ilocanos. With it, they are able to flaunt and exhibit their arts and crafts, tradition, and products. By celebrating it yearly, Ilocanos were also able to conserve their culture, history, and the timeless heritage of Ilocos Sur. This year, Kannawidan Festival was still fortunately celebrated in spite of the circumstances brought by the pandemic. However, unlike the previous years, the occasion was commemorated in a new-normal way. The provincial government strictly mandates health protocols, for instance, the use of face masks and face shields, observing social distancing, and mass gatherings are still prohibited.

               Despite the restrictions, prohibitions, and changes, the entire Ilocandia still enjoyed the festival. They have celebrated, perhaps, in a different way; in a mindful way.



Dacumos, J. (2012, May 25) Kannawidan Ylocos Festival: Pride of the Ilocano Culture. Vigattin Tourism. Retrieved from https://www.vigattintourism.com/tourism/articles/Kannawidan-Ylocos-Festival-Pride-of-the-Ilocano-Culture


Quimoyog, J. M. (2021, January 30) Ilocanos grace Kannawidan Fest mindful of health protocols. Philippine Information Agency. Retrieved from https://pia.gov.ph/features/articles/1065420

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