New Year, Another Chance


            2020 has been a rough year. It has given us a lot of challenges, but at the same time, lessons. We have encountered a lot of problems. The entire year seemed to revolve only around the atrocious events we have encountered – the virus, calamities, social, non-social, and even political problems. The entire year felt like an eternity of disasters that come in natural, social, and physical health of people – it was overwhelming! Every day seemed to be impossibly monotonous than the last.

            Undeniably, I took 2020 for granted. I wasted a lot of time, I was frivolous. I wasn’t able to fulfill the things I promised to live up to. And now, 2021 has come. Another journey to take.

            This year, I will focus on self-development – to be able to recognize opportunities, be open about criticisms and changes; and acceptance. I wanted to visualize abundance for myself and others and to be grateful for what I have and achieved. Furthermore, I am eager to value my health, to allow myself to regenerate. 

            All I ask for this year is to have everything back to normal again, hoping that 2021 will be a smoother ride than last year. My goal for this year overall is to live simply, mindfully, and gratefully.

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  1. I agree that 2020 may not be a good year, and as 2021 approaches, we can have the time for the development we need. Hopefully, you can achieve the goals you have in life. And we can just hope that 2021 will be a better year than the last. Have a good day and a great year!


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