Now or Never


            “We are the stewards of God’s creation,” a verse that is mentioned over and over by many. Nature has been entrusted to us, to keep and to take care of. We are responsible to look after these creations. In due course, unfortunately, this verse seemed to be disregarded. We are doing the complete opposite of the principle of being a steward.
               Heretofore, it is already expected that the planet Earth could change somehow in the future. The sad part of it was, it is already happening ever so quickly. The Earth is getting warmer, melting of the glaciers is drastic, and extinction of different creatures is so proliferating. All of these are the effects of our irresponsibility. Various human activities – from pollution to overpopulation leads to the inexorable warming of the planet and radically fluctuating the environment we live in.
            The hasty changing of the planet’s climate has been affecting many, primarily us, humans. Climate change comprises not only the increase of temperature but also extreme weather events – glaciers are declining and from this, sea-level continues to rise, wildlife extinctions, food sources are now depleting, and we, ourselves are also at complete menace. And if these changes aren’t given attention at the earliest opportunities, this could lead to a massive privation, until we lost everything. We are already going through it, we are already having a taste of our greed and negligence.
            Although humans did cause all these major fluctuations, on the other hand, we are also the only ones that could reduce and eliminate the causes of climate change. Conservation can start with a simple act of discipline. Discipline includes respect, we must pay attention to what we plan to do in regards to our environment. Planting trees and restoring our wildlife are just some of the many ways of taking an act to preserve the environment. Implementing and observing the three R’s also have contributions to the avail of saving the planet.

            Our participation in the movement to act on climate change is enough. Ignorance can never be an excuse for this global problem. Negligence is more than a failure. The current situation is already alarming and it is now upon us to save the Earth.



Hyneman, J., Shore, C. (2013, May). World Vision’s Biblical Understanding of How We Relate to Creation. Retrieved from

Nunez, C. (2020, January 24). Global warming solutions, explained. National Geographic. Retrieved from 

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  1. Hi Jamila! I really agree with your thoughts that you infer with, I know and I beleive that participation really help us a lot to grow. Job Well Done!


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