An Experience of a Lifetime


              It was on the 5th of October when classes officially started. It has been three months of undeniably perplexing modular learning. Frankly, I underestimated the extent of the new system of learning right before it began. Since the process of the current scheme of education is actually through self-learning in our respective houses, I thought it would be far easier as I can have easy access to some needed materials that I can use – primarily the internet in the process of learning. But it was the direct opposite of what I expected.

                In the first few weeks of the said learning process, I am still optimistic, happily taking notes, studying, and deliberately understanding every concept note given by my teachers. However, I came to a realization that taking notes consumes a lot of my time, ending up in total procrastination of the given tasks and paper works. I then set the plan to just focus first on finishing the tasks. With the number of assigned tasks distributed weekly, I wasn’t really able to study all the lessons well as I was way too engrossed in finishing the activities.


             In the past three months of distance learning, I frequently question my capability, if I am competent enough to complete the whole school year without any regrets or a sense of failure. I am not as intelligent as the other kids in my class. Math, a subject that I find very hard and complex. One thing more are the essays that I needed to accomplish, expressing my thoughts through words can be sometimes challenging. Electronics is also quite unfamiliar to me. Generally, the three-month experience was difficult as I am still adjusting to the “new normal”, well, everybody is. Now that the first quarter is over, I am already expecting that the next would be something much puzzling than the first one. For the time being, I will just enjoy this as an experience of a lifetime.


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