Still counting on you, Mr. President


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Dear Mr. President,

It is such a great honor for me to write a letter to the president. Before anything else I just want to say that I am so glad to be led by a ruler like you. As a citizen of this country, I have all my respect to you. “With great power comes great responsibility.” a quote from Spider-Man. A principle that fits a president like you. And that is why I respect you so much, because I do hope that with the remaining years you have as our President, you’ll take responsibility of our country’s peace and development.

Despite all controversies and issues about your administration, I’m optimistic that our country will still have the opportunity to have progress that everybody deserve, no one will be left behind; moving forward as one, especially at this certain point where everybody is suffering due to the unpredictable circumstances and changes brought by the pandemic. By that remark, we, the countrymen are all expecting to have someone that could lead, protect and support our country which is what is expected from you, Mr. President. Looking forward to be able to heal from the pandemic, expecting a proper education for the youth, and not letting anyone starve to death; all these depends on your governance. Lead us and we’ll follow behind, we’ll support each other.

Lastly, I’ll pray for your health and strength, to have the proficiency as you govern the Philippines. To have efficient and feasible plans for the betterment of our land and have the ability to guide us - your people, as our father, the leader and the chief of this republic. I will pray for you to have persistence that enables you to stand for our nation. With all due respect, I hope you’ll never give up on our motherland.


Jamila Shane 


With great power comes great responsibility. (2020, October 3). Wikipedia. Retrieved from



  1. I came across with someone who is propitious like you. Your sincerity in the letter will surely encourage a lot of people including me. As well as your perspective, it is fortying!

  2. I love how you shared your thoughts with Mr. President. I like how you respect him. Let's just wait for him to take actions for the betterment of our country. Overall, your letter is good. God bless!

  3. I appreciate your concern to the president's health and yes, he really should look out for health for him to lead the country better. Hopefully, if the President come across to your letter, our situation should be addressed accordingly for the well-being of everyone. I like how you explained your thoughts delineated. Kudos, Jamila!


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